
At stage four, the respective persons leave the attitude of ethnocentrism and reach the phase of cultural relativism. They now recognise and appreciate cultural contrasts in behaviour and values. They begin to interpret cultural phenomena within the context and elaborate their categories of differences consciously. They know that acting patterns always exist against a cultural background and are able to analyse complex interaction processes.

In addition, at this stage people are aware that values, beliefs and patterns of assigning „goodness“ and „badness“ to ways of live depend on cultural contexts and cannot be assessed appropriately from outside the culture.

At this point, cultural categories are comprehensive and elaborated. However, people sometimes feel insecure about how to deal with the perceived cultural differences.

Typical statements at this point

Where can I learn more about Syrian culture to be effective in my communication?

I know that the people I work with have had very different life experiences, but we are learning to be on good terms.

The more difference the better – more difference equals more creative ideas.

Sometimes I feel insecure: I know that different  cultures have different values, and I would like to respect that. But I don’t want to abandon my own values.

Developmental Task

At this stage, the next step is to refine the analysis of cultural contrasts. Learners have to elaborate their categories for cultural differences and comparison. Cultural contrasts should be in the focus, but on the other hand it is essential to deepen cultural self-awareness as well.

Photographee.eu_1, fotolia

The learning process should include issues of cultural relativity. Cultural relativity should be distinguished from moral or ethical relativity. For example:  we have seen in the example of genital mutilation in the previous lesson that we have to understand the cultural background of the tradition but it is questionalble to justify it morally.

The skills to be acquired at the stage of acceptance are cultural specific knowledge and cognitive flexibility. Moreover, persons have to develop respect for others‘ values and beliefs. They also should increase their tolerance of ambiguity.

Project Partners

Casework is a cooperation between the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI), the ECC Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education, the INTRGEA Institute for Development of Human Potentials, and Oxfam Italy. More info…