Better Informed: Backgrounds, Evaluations and Analyses at a Glance

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In order to be able to read your own way into various topics and to keep an eye on the background of the refugee crisis in 2015, you will find below some websites and documents that provide you with current analyses and information and serve as a reference guide for the past.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is a competence center for migration and integration in Germany. On the one hand, it is responsible for carrying out the asylum procedure itself and, on the other hand, it has undertaken the task of promoting integration nationwide 1. Accordingly, the BAMF website provides a wide range of information on the subject of asylum and integration.

If you would like to find out more, simply click on the bold printed, linked positions in the text.

In addition to current analyses, statistics and summaries of migration and asylum application figures, the BAMF also provides current research results. In addition, it is even possible to register for the Federal Office’s information system via the Asylum and Migration Information Centre -even as a private individual. Guest access is easily available here.

Here you will find some BAMF materials that have been used to create this course. You are cordially invited to access one of the following documents for in-depth reading and to obtain further statistical information and details. Simply click on the relevant key point.

The Federal Agency for Civic Education
The Federal Agency for Civic Education does not deal exclusively with the subject of asylum and migration, as is the case with the BAMF, but offers a variety of topics which can be of interest to citizens2. These include:

  • Politics
  • International affairs
  • History
  • Society
  • Reference
  • Events
  • Learning

The sections Society and Learning also include the topic of migration and provide various information3. In the Learning section, for example, there is a series of animated films called „Seeking refuge„, which are also intended to make the subject accessible to children. The five episodes tell stories about children and how they experience the loss of friends, relatives and arriving in their foreign homeland4.

Council of Experts of German Foundations on Integration and Migration
The Council of Experts on Integration and Migration (SVR) is a body of experts dedicated to independent policy advice that offers political decision-makers action-oriented recommendations and critical policy support. Current developments and problems are discussed and analyzed in a scientifically sound and methodologically accurate manner. Every year, a report on integration and migration is prepared. By this means, well-founded information can be made available to the public5.

Here you will find SVR documents that have been used to prepare this course. Take a closer look at the materials and deepen your knowledge on the subject. Facts about immigration in Germany

Material from central news channels or aid organizations
Of course, there are also many articles from 2015 and beyond, written by various news agencies and published on the Internet. Aid organizations and alliances also provide a wide range of information, charts and texts on the subject. Aktion Deutschland hilft, for example, provides a clearly laid out information chart on the causes of flight. Care should also be taken when researching various articles. One should always consider how reputable the news agency or the website really is.

Self-reflection 1
Consider the following two articles on the topic and try to filter out the core messages. What are the differences and what do you think is more critical?
Self-reflection 2
Watch the first episode of the animated film series and reflect on the message and the way it is conveyed. What do you think about such formats? We warmly invite you to share your outcomes in the forum. Click here, to get to the forum.


  1. Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge: Das BAMF, [online];jsessionid=A322719631176BF57B66164DF37D32E0.2_cid368 [05.02.19]
  2. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Die bpb, [online][05.02.19]
  3. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Die bpb, [online][05.02.19]
  4. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Zuflucht gesucht- Seeking Refugee, [online][05.02.19]
  5. Selbstverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration: Der Sachverständigenrat, [online][05.02.19]