CaseWORK Team-Meeting in Slovenia

Ready for the Final Sprint

on the first and second of April, the CaseWORK-Team met for the last proper face-to-face meeting in Ljubljana. The team focused on two main topics:

  • The completion of the content developments
  • The learning environment and additional media elements for providing the best learning experience possible

The content developments for the three main modules are almost completed and the team allocated the tasks for the upcoming translation process. The whole training seminar will be available in all partner languages – German, Greek, Italian, Slovenian – and English. In order to inform learners from all countries appropriately, the first module contains country-specific information about the aslyum system and topics such as reception centers, access to health insurance, apartment-hunting and access to job and education which will all be available in the corresponding language and in English.

Media Elements

The CaseWORK-Team is dedicated to provide a great learning experience with an intuitive and easy-to-use learning environment. Therefore, the team developed recurring visual elements adding up to the structure of the courses. The courses themselves will contain graphics, videos and animations, making complex topics easily comprehensible. In order to keep the learner’s motivation on a high level, the team plans to implenent a system of different achievements, badges and certificates which can be earned by finishing single courses or whole modules.

Running the Courses

The CaseWORK-Team is very commited to provide the training seminar starting summer 2019. We will be back with further news and information about participation and course enrollment soon. In the meantime, everyone who is interested is welcome to keep themselves informed by liking the Facebook page of the project and to subscribe for our Newsletter.

Can’t wait? Save the Date!

If you are curious about the realization of the training seminar, take the opportunity and visit us on the 26th of April at the upcoming networking event in Fürth, Germany! The event serves the presentation and discussion of all current project results. You will have the opportunity to take a sneak peek at our courses and exchange opinions and ideas about CaseWORK and other projects in the field of migration in a relaxed atmosphere. Participation is of course free of charge. The event is aimed at institutions, associations and specialists in adult education, youth, social and educational work and volunteers from corresponding communities – working with volunteers being the commom thread. If you are interested, please register by the 19th of April via email to

Project Partners

Casework is a cooperation between the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI), the ECC Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education, the INTRGEA Institute for Development of Human Potentials, and Oxfam Italy. More info…