Cultural Standards: Examples

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In the previous lessons cultural standards have been explained in a rather theoretical perspective. But in order to understand what the term really means we would like to picture  some concrete standards and give you the opportunity to think about their relevance and qualification.

Typically German?

Heringer (2012) collected a range of cultural standards that have been identified for the German culture. As all results of the cultural standards research they are debatable, and we would like to invite you to think about them and to compare them with your own experiences. Some of them are:

Rule orientation
There are many rules, regulations and laws controlling the lives of German citizens. Most of the citizens try to follow the rules as accurate as possible.
For example,  pedestrians stop at red traffic lights even if there is no car in sight.
Order and cleanliness
Visitors in Germany often notice that streets are extraordinarily clean and people emphasise well- arranged and tidy environments. Germany are also well-known for their exemplary waste separation.
Time management
Long-term planning of time resources and punctuality are highly estimated, in the job as well as in private life.
Submission to authorities
Authorities are highly respected and carry lots of responsibilities.
Interpersonal distance
Distance and formal behaviour are important for Germans. They are reserved towards strangers, and it takes a long time to get familiar with them.
Direct communication style
Germans prefer a direct and outspoken communication style. They come to the point very quickly. The content of a conversation is more important than the relationship aspect.
Sense of duty and diligence
 It is important to fulfil obligations and not to show negligence or idleness.
Separation of professional and personal affairs
The job is for working; pivate life usually is spent with family and friends.
What do you think about the cultural standards listed here? Are they really helpful for understanding German culture, and are they really true?

Lots of critics made very sceptical comments on the methodology and the results of cultural standards research. It has been stated that the standards are not far away from stereotypes, simplifications and generalisations and do not support intercultural communication. We will explicate the doubtable aspects of cultural standards on the next page.

Self Reflection

Please think about the list of „typically German“ standards presented above. Do they meet your experiences?
You are German: What do you think about the standards? Please ask yourself which standards you can (partly) confirm and which seem absurd to you? We warmly invite you to share your outcomes in the forum. Click here, to get to the forum.
You are not German: Please think about the experiences you made with Germans/in Germany. Can you confirm some of the standards? Which ones? And which ones not at all? We warmly invite you to share your outcomes in the forum. Click here, to get to the forum.

Project Partners

Casework is a cooperation between the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI), the ECC Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education, the INTRGEA Institute for Development of Human Potentials, and Oxfam Italy. More info…