Back to: History and Background of Migration in Austria
In this course you have learned to differentiate between basic terms in the migration terminology. You have become aware of the history of migration in Austria, and you know about the welcome culture towards refugees in the post World War II in Austria when refugees from Hungary, Czechosovakia, Romania and Poland found shelter in this country. You know also about the consequences of the guest worker policy and you have an overview of the events in 2015 and the changes in the Austrian migration policy.
- Bauer. Werner T.: Zuwanderung nach Österreich. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikberatung und Politikentwicklung – ÖGPP, Wien 2008
- Bendl, Anna: AsylwerberInnen in Niederösterreich –Integration (nicht) erwünscht? (
- Volf, Patrik-Paul: Der politische Flüchtling als Symbol der Zweiten Republik. Zeitgeschichte, Heft 11-12/1995