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„Language is the key factor for integration“. Many experts working in the field of migration agree that language skills are basic requirements for a successful integration in the host country, for access to the labour market and for social participation. Thus, language courses should be offered as early as possible and with low thresholds for refugees and asylum seekers, irrespective of their residence status.
Practical Insights
We asked volunteers working in the field of migration, how they deal with cultural misunderstandings. Language seems to be the key here as well – watch now!
Babylonian Confusion
A united humanity, speaking one single language and migrating eastward, comes to the land of Shinar. There they agree to build a city and a tower tall enough to reach heaven. God, observing their construction work, fears that now nothing will be restrained from them. He confounds their speech so that they no longer understand each other. Thus, they cannot continue the work on the tower, because the workers are no longer able to communicate.
EU Policies on Migrant Integration through Language Courses
The European Union explicitly promotes language courses for refugees and asylum seekers in order to provide for integration and communication of foreigners. However, the integration measures and language support differ a lot among European countries.