Transnational Country Report and Newsletter
The caseWORK project has recently entered in its second and last year of activities and we have some juicy news to tell you. As we care for volunteers working with refugees and asylum seekers, we decided to meet them and their organizations in five European countries to find out what is their situation and what training needs they might have.
We also did some research to better understand their role in a complex context such as the migration field in Europe, trying to get a good understanding of how a reception model (or maybe it’s better to say different reception models, due to the diversity between countries) can benefit from an active and conscious engagement of people volunteering with asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.
We are therefore happy to present you our transnational report called “Activists for solidarity”, which includes reflections on the situations and the needs of volunteers in the migration sector in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Slovenia.
The report was finalized in September 2018, so you may find some information not that up to date in its first part, given the fast changes in migration laws across Europe. But our findings in the other parts of the report, specifically around volunteering, are more present than ever.
You can either read the transnational report in English or have a closer look at our 5 national reports if you are interested to find out more about the situation in your own country.
As you could already know, the report’s analysis is meant to inform the production of the main outcome of the caseWORK project: the online training course for volunteers working with refugees and asylum seekers. We are working hard to deliver a great course, and you will be one the first to be notified once the course will be available. Watch out for our next email communications then!
And to stay completely up to date with the project evolution, please like our page on Facebook and invite others to do the same.
We would also like to inform you that you may sign up for our newsletter in case you want to stay informed about the latest news concerning our project and the upcoming courses.