
In this course section we summed up the content of the module „Intercultural Competences“. A special emphasis was laid upon critical situations frequently occurring when persons from different cultural backgrounds interact.

  • Examples, cases and quizzes gave a detailed insight in the different focal points of intercultural communication issues.
  • Hotspots in cross-cultural interaction were defined and explicated.
  • You became familiar with the concept of hotwords and learned how they are connected to cultural topics and to positive or negative emotions.
  • Many examples illustrated the concept of critical incidents in intercultural contexts.
  • You know now that a critical incident means that at least one communication partner feels uncomfortable or irritated due to cultural issues. The methodology of critical incidents was explained and exemplified in order to raise awareness on human attitudes and behaviour that influence interaction on the basis of cultural diversity.
  • Critical incidents were explicated referring to cultural dimensions, verbal and nonverbal communication, stereotypes and intercultural sensitivity.

As a result, the learners should know that reflection, flexibility and empathy are essential skills to make cross-cultural interaction successful, and they should be able to apply those skills in their daily tasks.

Project Partners

Casework is a cooperation between the Innovation in Learning Institute (ILI), the ECC Association for Interdisciplinary Consulting and Education, the INTRGEA Institute for Development of Human Potentials, and Oxfam Italy. More info…