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Outfit, clothes, decoration and other features of the external appearance of persons are important elements of nonverbal behavior as well, even though many people are not really aware of this communication channel. Looks express the aspects a person, a group or a culture want to emphasize.
In many cultures clothes and jewelry are meant to document wealth and status. Certain social groups wear uniforms or regional symbol systems in order to show that they are members of the respective group. This applies not only to vocational roles, for instance police, fire brigade or ambulance men. Scottish tartan shows to which clan the person belongs; members of clubs or employees of companies wear the same t-shirts, hats or ties. Nuns and monks are obliged to wear special habits.
The way you dress sends a message to the persons surrounding you.
If you wear a conservative suit, sporty clothes or a colourful hippie garment – your outfit will be a strong aspect of the way you are perceived by others.
Cultural Background
Even if there is always an individual interpretation most looks are strongly influenced by the cultural background you come from.
In Arabian and Islamic countries there are strict rules and conventions how to dress, particularly for women. At least body and hair have to be covered completely, in some regions or religious groups also the face has to be veiled or women have to wear burkas.
In many African cultures body art is an essential part of the appearance. Tattoos, piercings, scars, nose rings and other body transformations are designed to demonstrate a person’s affiliation to a certain tribe or the social status within a group.